CCLL Weather Policy

Field Closure Policy

 The Town reserves the right to close and deny use of any field based on poor field conditions. In the event of a field closure due to poor field conditions or inclement weather, the renter will be refunded the rental fee for that day(s) upon request. To maintain safe and playable field conditions, fields may not be used and activities must be cancelled when one or more of the following conditions exist:   

  • Standing water or puddles are present on any part of the playing area  
  • Steady rain is falling and/or the ground is saturated, not providing suitable footing  
  • Turf is easily dislodged and/or mud/dirt clings to shoes  
  • Snow or frost exist (no snow removal allowed)  
  • Grass is sparse or badly worn  

Lightning Policy 

Weather patterns can be monitored by using a StrikeAlert Lightning Detector, the WeatherBug Smartphone App, or other credible options. The strike distance determines any delay or cancellation:  

  • 12+ miles away: Continue to monitor the weather pattern  
  • 6-12 miles away: Closely monitor the weather pattern. Should lightning strike within 6 miles, all activities need to be put on a 20-minute weather delay.  
  • 0-6 miles away: All activities need to be placed on a 20-minute weather delay and instruct all in attendance to seek shelter immediately. Personal vehicles or substantial buildings are encouraged.  
In the event of a weather delay, check nearest lightning strike location 15 minutes after the weather delay began. If the nearest lightning strike is within 6 miles, activities can resume in 5 minutes provided there are no new strikes within 6 miles