Coaching Expectations

We get many questions on the manager and coach role. Here are some guidelines to help you determine what role you would be best at, though all roles are flexible and dependent on the team as well as coaching staff make-up.

Manager Role

  • Traditionally the manager handles parent communication and team organization. 
  • Responsibilities include the following:
    • Family communication 
      • Tracking availability for a given practice, game 
    • Game preparation 
      • Batting order, fielding rotation plan/strategy, and pitching plan/strategy 
    • Recruiting other volunteers like team parent, score keepers, pitch counters 
  • Understand and apply Little League rules 
    • Little League pitching rules limit the number of pitches and days of rest for each pitcher 
    • Minimum play rules at different divisions limit the number of innings a player can be on the bench during a game and/or need to be in the infield 
  • Create a safe environment for children to learn, grow, and make mistakes 
  • Communicate to parents if something is inappropriate 
    • For example, antagonizing any player or arguing with an umpire 
  • Ideally a manager would be available 75% or more of the contacts for consistency in style and communication

Coach Role

  • Traditionally the coach focuses more on coaching skills than on parent communication and team organization.  
    • Areas could include hitting, defense, pitching, catching, conditioning, etc. 
  • Organize a practice schedule 
    • Assess talent and identify areas to focus on during practice 
  • Fill in for the manager as needed or as agreed upon 
  • Ideally a coach would be available 50% or more of the contacts for consistency in style and communication 
  • While there can be multiple assistant coaches, typically there is one "official" coach paired with the manager for team player draft purposes

Team Parent Role

  • The role of the Team Parent Coordinator is to assist the coach with any necessary communications to the parents of the team members.  For example: 
    • Game schedules 
    • Uniform Distribution 
    • Picture Day Information 
    • Fundraising (Day at the Rockies, Car Wash, etc.) 
    • Identifying other volunteers for score keeping and pitch counting 
    • Team Snack schedule (typical for younger ages) 
  • Additionally, the Team Parent Coordinator may be asked to assist with concession stand activities for one Saturday during the season