CCLL Divisions of Play

Division League
Mode of
# of games
Rookies 6-8 Machine Assigned 10-12 Yes No No
Minors 9-10 Player Draft 12-14 Yes No Yes
Majors 11-12 Player
14-16 Yes Yes Yes
Intermediate 11-13 Player
14-16 No Yes Yes
Juniors 13-14 Player
18-20 No Yes Yes

To determine your player's league age, please use the Little League Baseball Age Calculator

Little League's Division of Play definitions

 Coal Creek Little League Division of Play definitions

  • Rookies Division:  
    • The Rookies Division, with its emphasis on FUNdamentals, is our machine/coach-pitch program designed for boys and girls aged 6 to 8.  
    • This program is a vital part of a player's transition from hitting the ball from a tee to hitting one pitched by an opponent.  
    • The Rookies Division program emphasizes fun and development over competition, but scores and standings are still kept.  
    • The Rookies practices will begin in mid-March, and the season ends typically before Memorial Day weekend. 
    • Generally there are 3 contacts per week. This is a mix of games and practices. Games could be played on weekdays or Saturdays. Sundays are no contact days for CCLL
    • Early season it will be 3 practices.  Then as games begin, games will replace some of the practices.  
    • Rookies division only can facilitate teammate and coach requests subject to availability
  • Minors Division:  
    • Minors Division is a player-pitch league, and game scores and standings are kept.  
    • Many of the players get their first chance to pitch to live batters.  
    • The Minors Division is primarily for 9 to 10 year-olds.  
    • This division is more competitive than the Rookie league, but player development is still the main focus.  
    • Practices begin mid-March with typically 4 contacts per week with the end of year tournament in early June.  This is a mix of games and practices. Games could be played on weekdays or Saturdays. Sundays are no contact days for CCLL
  • Majors Division:  
    • The Majors Division of Little League Baseball is for 11 and 12 year old players. 
    • It is played on a 60 foot diamond without base leadoffs.  
    • Practices begin mid-March with typically 4 contacts per week with the end of year tournament in early June. This is a mix of games and practices. Games could be played on weekdays or Saturdays. Sundays are no contact days for CCLL
  • Intermediate Division:  
    • The Intermediate Division of Little League Baseball is a competitive program played on the 70 foot diamond which allows base leadoffs. 
    • Intermediate is a try-out only division and not all players will be guaranteed a spot on an Intermediate team, but are guaranteed a spot in the league.  
      • Players not selected for Intermediate Division will placed on a Majors team (11 or 12 year olds) or a Juniors team (13 year olds).  
    • Practices will begin mid-March; the regular season ends mid-June. 
    • Formation of the Intermediate Division is pending having enough interested players sign up.
      • Should there not be enough players to form the division, players will be placed in their age-specific alternative (Majors/Juniors).
    • Intermediate Division is open only for players league aged 11-13 (younger/older players are not eligible). 
  •  Juniors Division:  
    • Our Junior Division program is designed to be the transition to the 90-foot diamond for high school and beyond.  
    • Designed for 13 and 14 year-olds, this program provides greater competition from Little League, including travel to nearby communities.  
    • Practices will begin mid-March; the regular season ends mid-June.