Umpire Philosophy

As a league, our philosophy is to allow our umpires to independently officiate games which includes allowing them to make mistakes. Most of our umpires in CCLL are teenagers and young adults who are still learning the game. All CCLL umpires attend umpire training each year.

Most are children of families in the league and have participated themselves in our baseball program in their youth. They are providing service to our league and are not expected to be to be perfect. Bad calls will be made and all players, coaches, parents, and bystanders are expected to accept the umpire's decision as final on all judgment calls. Coaches only may request time to ask for a rule clarification. 

 We teach our umpires to try to make the right call in the game in which they officiate. In this process, they may request a conference with another umpire or coach to discuss the situation.  League officials and coaches may discuss calls between innings outside of the heat of the moment to provide any corrective adjustments. This should be done in a respectful manner as in these situations you are now expected to coach the umpire such that the next time the situation occurs they will be further prepared. 

CCLL Umpires and league officials always reserve the right to ask a parent or coach to leave the game if they behavior is outside of the above expectations.

If you have any questions about our umpires, philosophy or interested in becoming an umpire, please contact our Head Umpire @