CCLL Parent and Player Code of Conduct

ACCEPTABLE SPECTATOR/PARENT CONDUCT:  (By registering your player, you agree to this conduct)

  1. Attend these games with a mutually supportive attitude and mindset. This is about the kids having fun! 
  2. Respect the game and what occurs within the field of play, including respecting the umpires and their decisions. This is about the kids having fun! 
  3. Cheer positively for the players from your team as they compete in these games. This is about the kids having fun!
  4. It is acceptable if you wish to also cheer players from the opposing team when they make a good play or hit well. This is about the kids having fun! 
  5. Always keep in mind, these games are controlled by Tournament Officials, Team Managers, Team Coaches and Umpires. 
  6. Please keep in mind that Tournament Officials, Team Managers, Team Coaches and Umpires are fully capable of resolving any issues that arise during the course of any game without any involvement from spectators. 
  7. This is about the kids having fun!

Player CONDUCT:  (By registering your player, your player agrees to this conduct)

  1. I will respect my teammates.  No one is perfect and no one deserves to be treated poorly for a mistake. 
  2. I will respect my coach/manager.  They are trying to make our team better so I will listen to instructions. 
  3. I will respect the call of the umpire.  Any questions I have for the umpire about a call must be asked by my coach 
  4. I will respect my parents.  They took time to get me here so I will do my best to be respectful to them and for them. 
  5. I will lead by example.  I will pick teammates up when they are down. 
  6. I will respect the players on the other team.  I will not do anything before, during, or after the game that will intentionally hurt the other team. 
  7. I will be helpful at games and practices.  This is your team and you are responsible for the fields and the equipment. 
  8. I will respect the game.  I will work as hard as I can on every play of every game. 
  9. I will have fun.