Volunteers Needed!

Without volunteers, Coal Creek Little League does not exist!  Every member of CCLL is a volunteer and CCLL has a critical need for enthusiastic volunteers. One of the best ways for you and your child to learn the game is to get involved…volunteer!

  • Board Positions - We are always looking for new faces and ideas to help run the league. See our Board of Directors Page for any open opportunities. 
  • Managers and Coaches – It’s fun! Teach baseball skills, sportsmanship, how to win, how to lose…  Interested, email us @ coaching@ccllbaseball.org
  • Team Parent Coordinators – Assist the manager with team communications, and other administrative tasks. This frees our managers and coaches to concentrate on coaching baseball. 
  • Umpires - Well-trained and interested umpires are as essential as the players themselves to ensure a great season. Umpires are needed and paid for all games during the year. Equipment and training are provided by the League. Both adults and youth (13-year-old and over) are encouraged to umpire. Interested in being a paid umpire, emailumpires@ccllbaseball.org 
  • Grounds Crews - We need volunteers for field preparation and maintenance prior to each game during the season. The condition of the playing fields should be of utmost concern to all parents. Our goal is to have fields that are safe, attractive and well kept. 

Managers and Coaches, please Register here: New Volunteer Request Sign Up (Spring 2024)

For all other inquiries, please contact us at info@ccllbaseball.org