Player Evaluations

Player evaluations are done to try to achieve a competitive balance throughout the league. All registered players with accounts in good standing who are not on a wait list will make a team. The Intermediate division is the only try-out based division and for those players not selected spots are held for them in Juniors and/or Majors depending on age.   

 Player evaluations are held in late February.

If your player is looking to play up a division from their age group, please still show up at the time listed and notify us when you sign-in at the evaluations.  

What to Expect at Evaluations:

  • When you show up, please sign-in at the welcome table.  
  • From there your player can go to a designated warm up area to get their arm loose. 
  • When they are ready, they will go through the following process: 
    • Batting – hit balls off the tee into the net. 
    • Fielding – line up for a few ground balls and pop ups with a throw to a target 
    • Pitching (Minors and above) – throw 5 pitches or so to designated target. 
  • At that point your player is done, this process usually takes less than an hour 
  • Please make sure to communicate any questions, concerns or requests to appropriate board members/volunteers present. 

It is expected that all coaches participate in player evaluations.

CCLL is often seeking coaching volunteers.  If interested, please reach out to any of our staff during evaluations or alternatively, contact our coaching coordinator (