Minimum Play Requirements

Coal Creek Little League is committed to the development of all players in the league. As such we have adopted more stringent minimum play requirements than required by Little League. The following rules are used for all divisions except Juniors and Intermediates during regular season play.

  • No player may sit more than 2 innings in a 6 inning game 
  • All players are required to play a minimum of 2 innings in the infield in a 6 inning game 
  • Each player must have at least one at-bat per game 
  • All teams will bat a continuous line-up (all players present bat rather than 9 at a time)

Please understand that not all games will go 6 innings. In a four inning game, it is perfectly legal for a player to sit two innings and play two innings of outfield. Coaches should note these occurrences and try to get these players into other positions in the next game.

The Rookies division has additional recommended practices such as equally rotating all positions as well as batting position. 

Intermediate and Junior Division Rules

  • All games 
    • Teams will bat a continuous lineup 
    • There is no infield rotation requirement 
  • Games within CCLL (CCLL Intermediate Team 1 versus CCLL Intermediate Team 2) 
    • Playing time follows the Little League requirement of 6 consecutive outs on the field in any regulation game 
    • No player sits more than 3 innings on the bench in a regulation game (4-7 innings) 
  • Games outside CCLL (District 2 Interlock) 
    • Little League requirement, 6 consecutive outs on the field in any regulation game


As coaches and parents, we expect that these minimum play requirements are followed to ensure equal and fair play. If you have a question about minimum play requirements or feel that these rules are not being followed, please contact the Vice President of your division. Contact information for VPs can be found here.

Enforcement and Penalty

If a manager fails to follow minimum play requirements, the following penalties apply per Little League rules in section IV - The Player clause (i). 

  • First Offense: receive a written warning 
  • Second Offense: a suspension for the next scheduled game 
  • Third Offense: a suspension for the remainder of the season 

 Note that the board has authority to levy a more severe penalty if the violation is deemed intentional.